Brian Fong

Full-stack Designer
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Pocket Bus


Icon Designer, Website Designer, UI/UX Designer

Key UI Features

  • First MUNI bus time app to visually display bus positions
  • First MUNI bus time app to use arrows to differentiate between "inbound" and "outbound" directions of travel
  • First MUNI bus time app to overlay routes on top of the map
  • Region-specific graphics: transit station markers and bus position icons based on actual transit branding

Additional Info

Collaboration with Gilad Gurantz, who performed the Objective C coding and conceived of the original app idea.

Pocket Bus is a suite of iOs apps for iPhone and iPad that brings an intuitive, visual interface to real-time bus prediction data.

Icons: Pocket AC Transit, Pocket Chapel Hill, Pocket MBTA, Pocket Unitrans
Custom bus stop markers specific to each locale
Pocket MUNI icon for retina devices
The original Pocket MUNI icon for the iPhone 3GS